Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rocks Break Glass- no kidding!

One detail about living here- just when you think you have figured out the road situation (rocks break glass)- you get hit again. We have had THREE rock chips in three weeks. Every week we start to talk about the likelyhood of getting another chip and then within minutes- we get hit. We have made a vow not to talk about such matters again in hopes we do not get anymore hits. That was the bad news- the good news is that we met a really funny guy who sits by the road fixing window chips all summer for $40.00 cash/chip. When he does not have any business- he contemplates life and stacks rocks. Just thought I would share a few of his creations. No glue, no steel- just pure balance between all forces- wind, gravity and rain.

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Fire in Mat-Su Borough

Fire in Mat-Su Borough
Thick smoke from the local forest fire affected visibility.

Three Moose a Day!

Three Moose a Day!
A neighborhood moose a day keeps the "where's the moose" away!

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....
A view of Denali Park & Chulitna River

You can see forever....

You can see forever....

Moose's Tooth

Moose's Tooth
Just a few miles from the house- the greatest views unobscured by houses, power lines or traffic.

Inside Passage

Inside Passage
What a view