Sunday, July 1, 2007

And on the Seventh Day- we rested

It is Sunday July 1st and we are resting after seven days of house building. Everyone is tired and sore after yesterday's push to get the second level floor joints completed and then the floor sheeting installed. It is a good thing we finished that portion up as today it is raining steadily. It will be a good day to go to town and get more lumber.

Let me get you caught up.
On June 27- The middle beams and the garage post were put into place with the help of Mike's brother Terry as well as nephews- Tyler (background) and Levi (parks uniform). All hands lifted this glu lam into place with alot of grunting and sweat. Levi is working at the State Park this summer but has time to help out as needed.

On June 28- the upper floor joints were cut and nailed into place. The rear of the house was completed first. The front and rear deck supports come from the interior of the house with 2x12- 20' allweather pressure treated wood. Of course all of these had to be lifted and pushed up to the second level where Casey was walking the walls again!!

They even got Mike up there to help with blocking the joists- but only for a short while as his skill in high places is limited. The vertigo/ scare factor outweighed anything he did even with a cheater board to sit on.

His best work was done on the ground- measuring and cutting everything the guys needed to get the joists and sheeting completed. But his head is suffering- first he hits his head on everything, then the 35' tape measure was dropped on his head. He looks like he has been at war with somebody but only on the top of his head.

It only got worse on that balance and walking Casey has Terry walking the joists as well. I just kept hoping that they would not fall and hurt themselves as they trimmed off the tails (joists). For the beam- Casey broke out the chain saw and trimmed it down out of the stairway area. I tried to get up there but could only crawl along the joists- I just didn't trust myself up there.

Friday- June 29th, the trusses were delivered as Spenards did not have room at their truss plant to store them. Rather than get them damaged at the yard, Spenards decided to send the truck and boom.The truck and boom truck had to back down the driveway between the trees to the offload area. The trees that we debated cutting down proved themselves a challenge in offloading the 52' long trusses.

The boom truck had other supplies on it and offloaded it with the crane while the guys got the offload area ready for the trusses. The trusses were laid on their side positioned on timbers to keep them even and untwisted.

Of course the neighbors came by to see the action while we all watched the trusses move between the house and trees. Next Saturday- these trusses will go on the second floor walls with the help of the boom truck again. Casey will be climbing the walls again when they block up the trusses.

Saturday June 30th, we finished up the front of the house's floor joists and then started sheeting the floor.

My job (when not taking pictures) was to pick up nails, hang joist hangers, fill the water jug with icewater, glue the floorjoists prior to sheeting and sweep the garage floor. Just call me the "jack of all trades"!

To get the 4x8 sheets up to the second level- Mike lifted them as far as he could then Casey swung them around (while standing on those joists) and piled them up. Once they were up on the seccond level- Casey and Terry laid out the sheets and the gluing/nailing began. Before long the job was done with time to rest on Sunday.

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