Friday, August 24, 2007

Drywall is Hung!

So the drywallers showed up on Wednesday morning at 10 am. They worked and worked until they finally had the upper level all hung. It was so interesting to watch them "puzzle" it together. Like a bunch of bees- they screwed all the sheetrock to the walls, then they finally left at 10pm. Thursday the sheetrockers cleaned up the mess they left, covered the floor with paper and got it ready for the next stage. Monday they will return to tape and mud the seams- then the rest of the week will be spent finishing the texture.
Mike has been busy getting all of the electrical connections made in the utility room. Every heating zone has a thermostat and pump to get the heat to the right place at the right temperature. It looks like the engine room of the boat. Complex and yet not so much!

1 comment:

Justine said...

Post more pics of Lilian!!!!!!!!!

Fire in Mat-Su Borough

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