Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sunny Days are here again !

I guess I should let my Mom know that the "SUN" and "MOUNTAIN" has been out since she left. Unfortunately for Mom, Ivy and Star- it rained the whole week they were here. Really it does not rain all the time! Since everyone left- it seems really quiet around here. Things are progressing- the siding guys are here putting on the Hardi Board siding. Mike has been reduced to the "cut guy" again while the big boys are on ladders.

Next week the plumber will be done with his job. My tub has been installed and I am so excited to see the future of soaking in that tub. The infloor heat will be complete with boiler and pressure tanks in place. The insulation guy will be in to get started next week and then the drywall will be hung. Not too bad for 8 weeks of work.....

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Fire in Mat-Su Borough

Fire in Mat-Su Borough
Thick smoke from the local forest fire affected visibility.

Three Moose a Day!

Three Moose a Day!
A neighborhood moose a day keeps the "where's the moose" away!

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....
A view of Denali Park & Chulitna River

You can see forever....

You can see forever....

Moose's Tooth

Moose's Tooth
Just a few miles from the house- the greatest views unobscured by houses, power lines or traffic.

Inside Passage

Inside Passage
What a view