Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who's the boss anyway??

On Tuesday we left Green River and headed north to I-70. The weather gods were upon us- no wind and fairly warm with sun. Had a nice day's ride and no "situations" so the ride went fast and furious. The Colorado River is at an all time high...I-70 had the East Bound lanes closed as well as a couple of bridges. The entire trip was a sea of green...they have had a ton of rain. I guess my challenge was the tunnels (Eisenhower went forever) and I hate tunnels whether in a car or on a bike. Went through Denver without any traffic problems...the day was non- eventful.

Got to Cheyenne, Wyoming and decided to stay the night at the Holiday Inn. Left this morning for Hot Springs, SD. The day was cool with clouds mixed in the sun. An easy day on the bike and we could look around as there was little traffic. The land is so different- flat and green.

A trip like this can be interesting....given that we are both the oldest child, A-type personalities and high achievers...we each want to be the boss. On bikes- you can be the boss of your own wheels but you have to go where the "leader" goes. Trading off on being the leader/follower is a valuable is not so easy to lead or to follow. You have to trust the person in front of you knows where they are going and they have to trust that you will not run into them, miss their cue or forget where they are at. Truly a process in building teamwork trust of a different sort.

Tomorrow is a visit with family then off to more family after the weekend.

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Moose's Tooth

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Inside Passage

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