Saturday, June 11, 2011

Miller Time!!

Thursday Morning we arrive at Cousin John's. It was a cold wet ride into Rapid City, SD. Of course the minute we finished with breakfast- it started to really rain. Out came my raingear, helmet and double gloves.

Thank goodness John had his door open and we could make ourselves at home. A quick trip to a coffee shop and to a grocery store for the night's dinner supplies was in order. Mike's Chili was created and we all enjoyed a night of wine, chocolate, and family stories with Cousin Susan as well.

Friday Morning we took off and headed out East to Kennebec. We could see the rain fronts coming through the area. The clouds were heading south across I-90 and I thought for sure we would get rained on AGAIN!! Even with the clouds heading south and us riding east- there was little wind. It was a very quick (80mph) ride so I could get some work done before the Alaska crowd was in their offices. Once again- it was COLD!! Mike again made Chili to get us warmed up and last night we had a real treat!! Kenda made homemade pizza and dessert (something we have not had for months). We did not founder ourselves and just enjoyed her tasty talents.

Today- Saturday- we have enjoyed sun and a light breeze. I told Mike that we probably chased this weather all around the west and back here again. Next year we should stay in the midwest for a sunny vacation later in the summer. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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