Sunday, May 29, 2011

The new definition of Insanity

Ok so today we left the sun and warmth of Bend Oregon at 830 am for Crater Lake. on hwy 97. Thirty minutes into the ride we were in 30 degree temps and it was not getting any warmer. We stopped to slap our hands together and get other gloves out. Stomped around a bit as our toes were cold stop will be for gas. It was still sunny but very cold with light cover of snow on the ground. Stopped into Chemult for gas...the attendent gave us free coffee so we stood around in their HEATED building chatting them up. The big find for the day was white liner gloves for $1.29 each. Without those- we never would have survived.

We continued on 97 then onto 138 then hwy we know we are really crazy!! We turn the corner and we see SNOWMACHINES and all the campers affiliated with it!! We are crazy to be here but what choices do we have? We want to see Crater Lake and the only way to get there is on these wheels. At this point the snow is only about 5' deep on either side of the road....we continue up the mountain.

By the time we get to Crater Lake- the snow is at least 15' high on either side of the road. We are cold and very INSANE so we continue on. Amidst avalanche warning signs we slowly crawl up the road. We know the visitor's center has soup, sandwiches and hopefully hot chocolate. We pay our $5/person and enter the park with at least 20 other cars. Up the hill through wet curvy roads covered with red gravel (slick) and potential ice....we finally arrive only to sit on the road waiting behind a motor home. 30 Minutes later amidst snow flurries we find out that an ASIAN TOUR BUS was missing a few of their TOURISTS and was blocking the parking lot. It was funny to watch the tour guide running around like a crazy person (join us- we are certified) with his yellow flag looking for his lost people. The park is socked in with snow- 591 inches so far this year- so those ASIANS could not have gone far.

Finally we arrive, park the bikes (we are the only crazies in the lot) and enter the visitor center only to find that we have entered "Pakistan". I swear every Indian, Pakistani or Indonesian was at Crater Lake today. We were in the minority with our white faces and heavy jackets. Anyway...

We did NOT SEE CRATER was not viewable due to low clouds and SNOW. We did see lots of tall trees, a postcard with a great picture of the lake and deep snow up to the second story of the lodge. We will have to come back on a SUMMER day since winter just won't release its grip this year. Sort of reminds me of trying to see Mt McKinley- sometimes impossible.

We did learn alot about riding on snow, ice and sleet...again. Today Mike finally said- "Boy I wish I would have brought my smart wool long johns"....I have been waiting for him to say this. When I was packing for this trip...he told me I would never need that wool sweater and long johns I have been wearing EVERYDAY since leaving South Dakota. He did not want me to pack it around the he knows...I know how to pack!!

We head for Grant's Pass and cross the Rogue River is still raining on us and we are still very cold. Holiday Inn has hot showers and laundry...we are very dirty from all the road spray. I have a new appreciation for all motorcycle riders....we are all crazy.

Tomorrow- the Redwood forest...hopefully the weather will be better???

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