Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kennbec- here we come!

So a great night of sleep after a day full of riding! We hit the road today at 8:30 and headed to HD of Sioux Falls. Parts were sucessfully obtained for KJ and off we were again. The temp was about 70' and felt too hot to wear a coat (or so we thought). Just try riding at 60 mph without a coat and you will FREEZE...we both called "uncle" and got out the leather coats. The wind was on our nose and the sun behind so we were in great shape to ride fast down I-90. Brunch was in Mitchell at Perkins and then gas at Kimball. A quick ride through Chamberlain to see what has changed (not much changes here). Kennebec arrived sunny and hot- just in time to take off the leathers and relax at the Millers. Catching up with the family, getting organized for graduation party and enjoying the quiet. I know we are now getting old...we sit around talking about our health issues, medicines we are taking and exercise we need to do.....darn it all!!!

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Three Moose a Day!

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