Wednesday, June 6, 2007

No Sirens- No Stars

Wow, it has been at least 14 days since I've heard any sirens. It is amazing how the constant noise wears on you. Today the only sound was the wind in the trees....the cat meowing and the dog snoring.

Yesterday was spent on the road to Anchorage- ordered windows and doors. The news of the day- Moose on the road right in front of us!

It is summer time here- no stars in the skies - only the summer light. Fall & Winter will bring those twinkling sights.

Tomorrow the cement for the footings arrives. More progress and pictures to come.

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Fire in Mat-Su Borough

Fire in Mat-Su Borough
Thick smoke from the local forest fire affected visibility.

Three Moose a Day!

Three Moose a Day!
A neighborhood moose a day keeps the "where's the moose" away!

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....
A view of Denali Park & Chulitna River

You can see forever....

You can see forever....

Moose's Tooth

Moose's Tooth
Just a few miles from the house- the greatest views unobscured by houses, power lines or traffic.

Inside Passage

Inside Passage
What a view