Friday, June 22, 2007

Another new "unsettling" experience !!!

The weather around here has been extremely warm with the fire danger is at "very high" on all postings. Unfortunately we have had a lot of thunder, unwanted lightening and no rain. Lightening struck southwest of us about 30 miles and to the northeast about 30 miles so we were sandwiched between two forest fires. The southwest fire has consumed about 6000 acres and the northeast fire is contained. As a result of these fires, the skies have been darker than the Alaskan nighttime sky and the smoke hangs in the air. Air quality is very bad, creating scratchy throats and runny noses. The picture above was taken at noon on what was a sunny day. Today the skies were so dark- the yard light came on. The sky was that funny color- like it will get before a bad tornado but there was no wind and only smoke hanging around. Finally the wind did kick up a bit (bad for the fire but good for us) - the sky cleared up and we had daylight again.

The good news- our lumber showed up on the truck. Luckily I got down to the house before he unloaded it. I couldn't figure out how he was going to unload it but he just lifted the bed and off it slide with a loud bang. That was pretty simple- I think it was good thing we had soft ground to unload it on.
Once it was on the ground- it starting raining (of course) so off we went to get a tarp to protect that $10,000 pile of lumber.

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