Thursday, May 31, 2007

Water and Septic

So the last few days have been spent working with a plumber to get the water lines stubbed in, the septic tank set and the leach field completed. After all of that hard work "pounding the pad" some of it was torn up for water/plumbing/sewage lines.

The septic tank was set with a bit of difficulty. Once the water table seal was broke, the hole quickly filled with water. Now the challenge was to keep the tank in position without popping up. Luckily there was a "pond" that we used to fill the septic tank and that kept it down.

The leach lines utilized an infiltrator system rather than old style piping. Tonight all of the systems are in place. Now we wait for the concrete guy to show up next week. This weekend will be spent clearing the right of way for the telephone and power company so they can run lines.

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