Monday, May 28, 2007

Getting Square and Hard

This weekend has been spent mining gravel, digging, bulldozing and moving around gravel. Mike continued to pound the house pad of gravel with a roller/vibrator as Terry and Dustyto moved it to the pad. We had a heck of a hole to fill after taking all of the gravel out. Terry and Dusyto crashed down old trees, alders and junk to fill the hole. It will has a ways to go.

Mike spent most of Friday and Saturday on the thing and then Arlene got her thrills while we went to town to get copper water line. The gravel must be hard, hard, hard and the more it is pounded the better the pad. We have a new driveway constructed complete with 12" culvert.

On going to town:
We leave at 0530 hrs for Lowe's. Of course they don't open until 0800 hrs and we are at the door at 0700 hrs. What to do? Go to the grocery store, fuel up the truck and wait.....We are finding a sort of "manana" here- nobody is in much of a hurry. Mike and I just look at each other and take a deep breathe. This is what we came here for. To slow way down.....the locals will force it to happen if we don't comply.

Sunday May 27th- the guys spent time outlining exactly where the house will sit on the pad. This has to be square so the concrete guy can pour the pad. Inch by inch they got it square to the needed 30' x 48'. The septic tank was offloaded from the truck- the thing looks huge- 1000 gallons.

Today the plumber is stubbing in all of the services to the pad- water line and septic. We will be ready for concrete by tomorrow. Hopefully the "concrete guy" will put us at the top of the list since we are ready.

Many thanks to Mike's brother, Arlene and Arlene's brother/family as well as local Dustyto "excavator man" for their help all weekend. This has become a family & community event- thanks to all!

For those curious about the daylight hours....daylight is from about 0300 hrs to 2400 hrs right now. Consequently- I have my "zsa zsa gabor" eye thingies on at night- can't sleep in the daylight. I'm feeling like a "movie starrrrr"!! not.

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