Sunday, October 14, 2007

We are moved!!!

The painting is done and it looks great! All corners are touched up and finished. One final nap before we started on the clean up the rest of the flooring. Lily and I got a few quick winks on a sunny afternoon.

We moved last weekend October 6/7th! The laundry room, bathroom and bedroom are 90% complete. Just the baseboard trim has to be finished. Mike has been busy getting the kitchen and great room floor tiles laid. This is quite a large job. With the help of Arlene mixing mud and cleaning up- he has made some fast progress. Since I have been traveling- I can't be there to assist until the weekends. We have hung all the closet shelves but all the doors are on order, so it will be awhile before the closets have doors.
The office and safes have been moved into place. Thank goodness for neighbors with forklifts! That tool made it easier to move the big stuff.

The office is moved and organized with a view outside.

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