Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yeah right.....spring is not here

Just when we thought Spring was around the threw us a couple of storms. Needless to say, we still have about 2' of snow on the ground with intermittant dry roads. The last month has been full of sun and much longer days. Today we have 14 hours of light from 0700- 2100 hrs. You would think that with all of that daylight....the snow would go away? But is staying until May!!!

The picture above is not a recent one but is representative of the snow on a January day. Required shoveling rooftops of sheds and constant clearing of the driveways. We are pretty lucky to have friends with equipment to move snow.

We have made use of our snowshoes. Terry and Arlene led us across the Susitna river on our snow shoes to Talkeetna. Kind of wierd to be walking across the frozen river on snow shoes and crossing snowbridges across running water. We wandered a bit and it took us quite some time to find the crossing. The snow was deeper than anticipated and Terry punched out the trail. The reward was a trip to the local pizza joint for one of a kind sandwiches and pizza in Talkeetna. the way home only took us about 90 minutes one way since we had a trail. Great exercise and what a view of the mountains!! We seemed so small compared to the land/river/skies around us.

The house project list is getting shorter...nail holes filled, windows washed inside, touch up paint here and there. Our blackout blinds have been ordered/installed and just in time as the days keep getting longer with full bright sun reflecting off of the snow.

I am getting antsy to get into the dirt!! In Seattle we had so much time to garden in the April/May months. Here it is not even close to that time of year. What I wouldn't give for bright azaleas and rhodies right now. Instead it has been snowing and blowing all day!!

Oh well....I have been to Lowe's and purchased pots, dirt and seeds. I will get them started for a June transfer to a garden! Can't wait until it really is spring but maybe we just go from snow to summer without a real spring.....we shall see soon!

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