Monday, February 4, 2008

The Honeymoon is not over!

So far we have survived the Alaska winter and the honeymoon is not over! We have invested in snowshoes so we can tramp around the neighborhood and follow the moose tracks. Really it is fun and a great workout that works your entire body- arms, legs and core!! There is nothing like sinking up to your koochi koo and trying to get the boat shaped shoes up and out of the snow!! Needless to say- I have started to double up on my clothing- it helps to prevent the invasion of snow in my lower extremities.

January has been an interesting month. I had a business trip planned and then a side trip to visit Justine. I was gone for two weeks but before I left.....things got a bit interesting. Mike remembered me saying that if I got married- it had to be in the month of January......I'd always wanted to be married in January. So the week before I left, he started to ask when I was leaving for my trip (1.19) and when I would be back (1.31)...then he proceeded to tell me that if I was getting married in January- I'd better get on the stick and get the paperwork in order!!!!! WOW- Now that's a marriage proposal that is to the point!! No beating around the bush at this I faxed our marriage application to the courthouse. The next date we could be married was 1.16.08 and Terry (Mike's brother) would be the officiant. On 1.16.08 we drove to the courthouse to pick up the paperwork. We went straight home and got ready for the "kitchen table wedding"! Mike cooked and made me a cake as I cleaned up the house. But we still needed a second person as a witness (Arlene was mine). SO at 3pm...Mike called his buddy Steve to ask a favor (be his witness) and to invite he and his wife to dinner that night. We had a great gathering of friends and married in our bluejeans and it was a simple sincere wedding. No big prom, no big white dress, just simple stuff!!

Of course- My mom could not believe that anyone could marry anyone!!! That's just not the way things are done in the lower 48!! So to prove that it is the real deal....I have scanned a copy of the official document and here it is!!!

While in Iowa, I was able to visit with Justine. She has been working hard at painting and furnishing her new home. She bought a townhome in Des Moines in November and it looks great! It is so nice....decorated smartly and with style. I guess she is a chip off the old block. I think it is great that she has been doing all the work herself and with the help of her boyfriend. It is a great way to learn how to do things yourself.

The house projects continue here....while I was gone, Mike finished up the stair trim and attached all of the stair treads. When I arrived back home- I discovered that he had built a big bench to store all of our boots and winter gear!!! It is six feet long x 21" with a deep interior for storage. The joke is that he could go into the casket building business!! It is so nice to have a place for all of that stuff as well as a place to put on your boots/shoes.

It is getting to be daylight at around 0830 and dark by 6:00 pm...the days are getting longer. It is time to order blinds for the bedrooms. Soon it will be light until late at night making it difficult to sleep. Anyway- that's the update for the month.

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Fire in Mat-Su Borough

Fire in Mat-Su Borough
Thick smoke from the local forest fire affected visibility.

Three Moose a Day!

Three Moose a Day!
A neighborhood moose a day keeps the "where's the moose" away!

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....
A view of Denali Park & Chulitna River

You can see forever....

You can see forever....

Moose's Tooth

Moose's Tooth
Just a few miles from the house- the greatest views unobscured by houses, power lines or traffic.

Inside Passage

Inside Passage
What a view