Saturday, February 28, 2009

Update from Snowglobe Alaska

Today is the first day since November 11th that I have had a chance to just sit and think....we have been so busy with work that my writing has had to take a seat in the back of the bus. Mike has gone off to a gunshow with friends. It is surreal watching it snow- over 12" this morning and it is still coming down. I look outside and it looks like a snowglobe that has been shaken up- thick beautiful snowflakes coming down. I picture myself inside one of those houses in the snowglobe and it keeps getting shaken. It is only 29' outside; warm weather brings on the snow. I don't know which is worse- tons of snow or negative temperatures.
The snow is now higher than my office windows. I cannot look out and see anything unless I stand up. The decks are covered after just being shoveled yesterday. Mike and I think the snow is much deeper this year and different... it is fluffy. He had to dig a trench (5' deep) to the oil barrel with a friend's loader. Otherwise the oil could not be delivered- the snow was just too deep to wade through. The shed roof has at least 36" of snow on the roof and will have to be shoveled soon. We have not gone snow shoeing this year...too busy with work.
Since November we have made a trip to Japan, Korea and Seattle. It was nice to see our friends in Okinawa, wonderful to leave Korea and fun to spend Christmas with family and friends in the Seattle area. Work has been very busy, we have had the best year ever which means we are both extremely busy with project management, installations and new projects. We cannot believe the amount of business up here in Alaska. It is pretty amazing when you think about it....fewer roads, fewer people and not much technology to drive the economy......AND still we had the best year ever!!! Thank you Alaska!!!

Fire in Mat-Su Borough

Fire in Mat-Su Borough
Thick smoke from the local forest fire affected visibility.

Three Moose a Day!

Three Moose a Day!
A neighborhood moose a day keeps the "where's the moose" away!

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....

Just a couple of miles up the Park's Highway....
A view of Denali Park & Chulitna River

You can see forever....

You can see forever....

Moose's Tooth

Moose's Tooth
Just a few miles from the house- the greatest views unobscured by houses, power lines or traffic.

Inside Passage

Inside Passage
What a view